DLRCC Housing Data 2022

Some interesting data presented at the recent Strategic Committee on Planing and Citizen Engagement.
New housing delivery has improved in 2022, and is more plentiful per head of population than any other county.
It is still not enough to meet the demand, and commencement data indicates some headwinds for residential development.

Housing Completions
•* c. 2,700 completions in 2022 (77% apartments).
•* 2nd highest no. of completions of all Local Authorities.
•* Highest no. of completions per 1000 population.

Housing Commencements
• c. 2,300 commencements in 2022.
• 26% decrease from 2021 commencement levels.
• However, still 4th highest in the State and highest per 1000 population.

Construction Activity
• c. 5,700 units under construction at Q3 2022. (83% apartments.)

Planning Activity

• c. 11,300 units permitted by uncommenced (92% apts).
• 65% of inactive sites granted in last 2 years.
• c. 10,000 units in planning system pending decision.

• Significant backlog at ABP.

The most positive slide in the pack.